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Deluxe Bouquet (Click & Collect)

Deluxe Bouquet (Click & Collect)


A beautiful hand-tie of 9 fluffy mixed peonies and seasonal foliage.




Your peonies will arrive as squashy buds around the size of a golf ball (or sometimes bigger in our case!) - this is their preferred state to travel as it protects the delicate petals. This also extends their lifespan with you. Watch the buds open and expand up to 10 times their original size.


Our bouquets arrive in pretty eco-friendly packaging, ready to be placed straight into your favourite vase.


Note: Cut peonies tend to be at their best for approximately 5-6 days, but follow our care guide inside your box to ensure you enjoy them at their best.


Important: Once you've selected the delivery method as 'Click & Collect' and paid for your bouquet(s), please be sure to book your collection slot here >

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